Remedial Design & Action
Often industries must address contamination issues posed by past disposal practices, and when remediation is necessary Shield provides turnkey services for our clients. Our engineers and scientists have created groundwater and soil treatment designs, industrial and hazardous waste site closure plans, and corrective action plans for project sites throughout the United States.
The remedial design is highly dependent upon specific project conditions including:
Contaminant source(s), concentrations, and media classification;
External characteristics;
On-site and off-site structures;
Fate and transport;
Property and surrounding land use; and
Specific regulations and agencies involved.

After the project options and issues have been identified, Shield works closely with the client in selecting a remedial action plan that will accomplish the desired results. When excavation and clean closure is selected as the appropriate remedy, Shield creates a design to minimize the amount of material to be excavated and often includes waste segregation activities to further reduce treatment/disposal costs. In some cases, site containment is the selected remedy and Shield will execute a design that will include the appropriate type of cap or cover, e.g. RCRA, modified RCRA, asphalt, etc.
Shield’s comprehensive remedial strategy is geared toward the ongoing effort to ensure the safety of on-site workers, the public, and the surrounding environment.
Remediation can involve the removal of the waste/source; waste stabilization; providing innovative, cost-effective corrective actions; and ultimately clean-closing or properly containing contamination, as appropriate.
Shield’s personnel have extensive experience with a variety of technologies including monitored natural attenuation, bioremediation, phytoremediation, chemical oxidation, soil vapor extraction, dual-phase extraction, reactive barriers, soil flushing, and various pump-and-treat scenarios.